
【Boxing Gloves Buyer’s Review】






A complete guide for those who don’t know what type of punching gloves and boxing gloves to buy. You will learn the difference between all the different types of gloves, their uses, and where to buy them.

Punching Gloves come in the ever-confusing variety. What’s even more confusing is that the manufacturer claims that each product they offer is the best choice. I’ll help you decipher between the names and the claims.


Why Use Gloves?

Contrary to what other fighting forms like karate or kungfu will recommend, punching will wreck your hands over time EVEN if you are careful. Incorrect punching form as well as unprotected hands will lead to arthritis, weakened joints, weakened muscles, and decreased functionality of the hands over time. It’s scary but it does happen. To ensure that your hands will be protected and functioning well for the rest of your life, it’s important that you always protect them. Just like you would wear headgear to protect your head, you must wear punching gloves to protect your hand. Some punching gloves will even go a step further by providing extra cushion to prevent your opponents from taking too much damage.

A good pair of boxing gloves will be comfortable and will fit your hand around the wrist and fingers. It shouldn’t feel like the glove is tiring out your hand or forcing it to shape in a way that feels awkward. High quality gloves will withstand a punch time and time again without losing it’s cushioning qualities. Certain materials used to make the glove will determine how long it lasts before it tears apart or flattens up. It’s important to note that while some cheap gloves may feel just as comfortable as expensive gloves or seem to cushion the impact even better, they certainly will not stay that way over time.

Real Training Brands VS Toy Brands

Not all punching gloves are made with the mentality of real boxing training in mind. As with anything life, not all are made equal. The worst brands are the ones offered at large sporting chains like Big 5 Sports, Sports Chalet, and Sports Authority. The absolute worst punching gloves you could buy are the Everlast ones that look like the classic boxing gloves. Don’t EVER buy those – you will probably break your hands within a week if you do.
並非所有的拳擊手套都是為了真正的拳擊訓練而製造的。就像生活中的每樣東西,不是所有的東西都相同。最糟糕的品牌提供大型體育連鎖店像是〈Big 5 Sports〉、〈Sports Chalet〉以及〈Sports Authority〉。(譯者按:在台灣有些大賣場或是生活百貨、健身器材行都會賣些爛拳套)。其中最爛的就是你可以買到〈Everlast〉看起來像是很典型的拳套(譯者按:台灣網拍均有售這種Everlast最最低階的玩具手套)。「千萬」不要買這些 ── 你買了便可能在一周內折斷你的手。

Expensive VS Inexpensive

Just because you paid more for your punching gloves does not make them better. However, the rule of thumb: you get what you pay for, is still valid. A $25 set of punching gloves will probably not be as good as a $60 pair of gloves from the same store. Use common sense and expect to pay at least $40 online or $55 if buying from a store.

Different Glove Types

Bag Gloves – Most of these look small, lean, and trim. The more expensive ones look like regular boxing gloves. In my opinion, ignore them, they are a waste of time and money. They are designed to protect your knuckles while you deliver hard punches to the punching bag and serve to accustom your knuckles to harder impact. Another thing to note is that some bag gloves are really stiff and don’t form well to a curved fist.
沙包拳套 ── 通常是那些看起來輕薄短小,裁切整齊的。有一些比較貴的看起來就像一般的拳擊手套。我的意見是,忽略它們,它們是用來浪費時間和金錢的。它們是被設計來保護你的指關節,當你重擊沙包的同時也讓指關節適應更強的衝擊力。另一件要注意的是,一些沙包手套真的很僵硬,而不是形成彎曲拳頭的形狀。

Training Gloves – These are all-purpose gloves. Some of them are not thick enough for sparring. Figure out What Boxing Gloves to Use
訓練用拳套 ── 這些是多用途的手套。其中有一些拿來做對打練習是厚度不夠的。弄清楚該用甚麼拳套。(此為連結至:What Boxing Gloves To Use)

Sparring Gloves – These are general use gloves. I highly recommend everyone to buy a pair of these before anything. They are made with extra cushion to protect your hand as well as cushion the blows to your opponent. You can use these gloves for all-purpose boxing. It’s important to note that sparring gloves should be at least 14-16 ounces especially if you weigh anything over 130 pounds.
對打練習用拳套 ── 這些都是一般用途的拳套。我強烈建議各位要優先購買這個。它們有額外的軟墊保護你的拳頭以及緩衝你對對手的打擊。你可以用這種拳套進行所有的拳擊訓練項目。重要的是,必須注意,如果你的體重超過一百三十磅(約六十公斤),對打練習用的手套應該至少要有十四至十六盎司重。

Pro or Fight Gloves – Fight gloves are smaller and more compact to deliver more damage to your opponent. They are not recommended for anything other than real competition.
專業或搏擊手套 ── 搏擊手套更小更緊實,可以在對手身上造成更多的傷害。不建議用在真正的搏擊以外的任何地方。

Aerobic or Cardio Gloves – These gloves are usually made obvious by their very low pricing. Avoid them! They have the least amount of padding and will fall apart faster than anything.
有氧運動或心肺功能拳套 ── 這些拳套通常因非常低價而特別顯眼。躲開它們!它們擁有最少的填充物並且裂解的速度比甚麼都還要快。


Does the color of your boxing gloves matter? YES! Although red is the classic color, it is less visible to the human eye than other colors in the spectrum. If you’re sparring against someone, it’s preferred that they wear gloves of a color that you can see. Don’t forget that wearing light colored gloves can also help your trainer catch your punches better. I’ve trained at night a lot so I love to buy blue, green, and white colored gloves. I still have a pair of red ones just because red is the classic boxing color. Another knock on red gloves is that sometimes you can’t see the build up of blood stains on the gloves. I know this is a bit morbid but I’d like to know if a pair of gloves have been bled on.

Lace-Up VS Hook & Loop

Lace-up gloves offer more comfort if you like your glove to fit snug around your wrist. For some fighters, it’s just a habit to have lace-up gloves. Hook & Loop gloves are made to be convenient and can be just as supportive as the lace-up while having the convenience of being hook & loop. Most people will prefer the hook & loop gloves because they can put them on themselves without much help. The bad parts about hook & loop in my opinion are that the elastic velcro hooks can tear into your cotto hand wraps and shred them. It’s not a big deal but it’s happened to me before and really annoyed the hell out of me. Lace-up gloves are actually not that hard to deal with. They mig be considered even more convenient than hook & loop gloves if you have skinny wrists – since all you have to do is tie the laces just once and then slip your hands in and out every time before use.
如果你喜歡手腕和拳套恰好吻合服貼的感覺,綁帶式的拳套會更加舒適。對一些拳手來說,使用綁帶式的手套只是習慣使然。而黏扣式的拳套不但方便,也有附加綁帶功能的黏扣式拳套。大部分的人都會選擇黏扣式的拳套,因為不需要他人幫忙就可以自行穿戴。在我的意見中關於黏扣式的拳套有部分的壞處,那就是黏扣的部分會勾住並扯下、撕裂你的棉質綁手帶。這雖然沒有甚麼大不了,但以前這種事還真讓我氣惱得半死。綁帶式的拳套確實是難以處理。但如果你的手腕骨特別細,綁帶式的拳套被認為比黏扣式的方便些 ── 因為你僅僅需要繫一次綁帶,之後每次使用只要將手塞進去就好了。

Another great thing about lace-up gloves is that it allows you to walk around the gym and ask people to tie your gloves. It makes a great icebreaker for you to walk around and meet the pros, trainers, and other fighters in your gym.

My Thoughts on Different Glove Brands

Title - I love Title boxing gear. Their brand is quality without being overpriced. It also happens that I see their gloves in boxing gyms all the time. Even their classic training gloves will take years of abuse. Easily the best value for the money.
Title ─ 我愛 Title 的拳擊用品。他們的品牌高品質且物超所值。我總是會看到拳擊館裡有他們的拳套。即使是他們的古典訓練拳套也經得起長年的摧殘。如此簡單又划算。

Fighting - This is Titleboxing’s “premium” brand. The cushion and padding are great but the wrist areas can feel a little skimpy. I have the hook & loop version and the velcro feels very cheap. Nonetheless, they feel like a great quality glove and cost considerably less than the other premium brands.
Fighting ─ 這其實是Title的「特殊品牌」。緩衝填充物很棒,但腕部稍嫌輕薄。我有黏扣式的手套,黏扣帶感覺很廉價。儘管如此,它們仍然感覺像是品質不錯且遠比他牌便宜的拳套

Everlast - One of the most popular names synonymous with the sport of boxing. Much of their gear is unfortunately a bunch of hype. I don’t know why this company has a toy division but many of their products are over-priced and poorly made. Their gear becomes higher quality only when you buy the higher-end pro-grade stuff. You basically don’t see any real boxing gloves from Everlast until you pay about $70 or more. Everything from $65 and down feels too stiff, too much like a toy, or just not anatomically comfortable for the hand. Not surprisingly, I see the name Everlast more inside little kid’s toy closets than I do in real boxing gyms.
Everlast ─ 最著名的拳擊運動代名詞。不幸地是他們的裝備充滿炒作。我不懂這家公司為什麼有一個玩具部門,許多產品價格過高且品質低劣。只有當你購買更高階專業級的東西,他們的裝備才有更好的品質。基本上你要買到真正的拳擊手套得花上70美元(新台幣約2100元)或更多。65美元(新台幣約2000元)以下的任何東西感覺都很僵硬,像是玩具一樣,或者在人體工學上很不適手。不意外,我在孩童的玩具櫃裡看見Everlast這個名字比在真正的拳館還要多。

Grant - Awesome gloves with protection all over. They’re very well padded and used in a lot of professional fights. There is a lot of padding around the wrist area which is great defensive fighters or guys that take punches on their wrist a lot (peek-a-boo style, high guard, etc). Excellent quality.
Grant ─ 提供完整保護的美好拳套。它的襯墊非常好且被用在很多專業的比賽中。手腕周圍有很多填充,讓防禦型的選手足以在腕部承受許多拳(peek-a-boo風格(※後註)、高架式防禦之類的)。品質優良。

編註:peek-a-boo style,把手放在自己的臉前與眼鼻同高的拳擊風格。

Century - CRAP. Absolute crap. Unfortunately, many people see this cheap brand sold everywhere like at Big 5 sports and Sports Chalet and actually believe it’s a real boxing brand – IT ISN’T! Stay away!
Century ─ 廢物。絕對的廢物。不幸地,很多人看見這個便宜的牌子在Big 5或是Sports Chalet這一類的運動運品店販售,就以為那是個真正的拳擊品牌 ── 而它並不是!保持距離!

TKO - Imitation pro gloves. Their gloves might look thick and feel good at first but they’ll quickly break down and stiffen which gives you less protection over time. Avoid these wannabe-pro gloves like the plague!
TKO ─ 仿製的專業拳套。或許他們的拳套第一眼看起來厚實而且感覺不錯,但他們很快就會硬化、破裂,隨著時間對你的保護越來越少。像表面上崇尚專業的手套,要如躲避瘟疫一樣遠離它。

Reyes (Cleto Reyes) - believe the hype. These gloves are made to be more compact at the fist to aid the puncher. It’s important to note that these gloves are made for FIGHTING, definitely NOT TRAINING/SPARRING. The gloves punch harder because they have less protective cushion so it’s important to protect your hands as much as possible in training. They are also very high quality and last forever if you can get the authentic mexican-made ones (there are hidden links on the internet). Again, I do not recommend these gloves for training, especially on the heavy bag.
Reyes (Cleto Reyes) ─ 被炒作得天花亂墜。這些拳套被造得讓拳頭較緊貼以利打擊。重要的是必須注意這些拳套是被造來搏鬥的,顯然不是用來訓練/對練的。這種拳套讓你打擊有力,是因為它減少了保護用的填充物,然而盡可能在練習中保護你的雙手卻非常重要。如果你能買到墨西哥製的正品(在原網站上有連結),它也是非常高品質並且足以用到天荒地老。再一次,我不建議用這些拳套進行訓練,尤其是拿來打沙袋。

Rivals - Very nice, expensive stuff that also looks very cool. In my opinion, you can find equally good gloves for a bit less. It’s up to you if you like their cool glove styling. Quality wise, they are 10 out of 10 – among the best type of equipment you can find. Their headgear are my favorite.
Rivals ─ 很讚,昂貴且看起來非常酷的玩意。在我看來,你可以用比較低價買到一樣好的拳套。這取決於你喜不喜歡他們拳套的酷樣式。品質方面,他們是滿分 ── 在你找得到的裝備中最好的類型。他們的頭盔更是我的最愛

Ringside - Just like Rivals, it’s very nice and super high quality at a higher cost. These gloves will last forever! They feel great and will look new even though they are 3-4 years old. The inside and outside of the glove stays perfectly intact. Stitching stays together, the cushion still thick. It’s really great quality. Everyone who’s owned a pair of ringside can attest to this. Another 10 out of 10 brand.
Ringside ─ 就像Rivals,它非常棒而且擁有超高品質與較高的價位。這些拳套可以用到海枯石爛!他們用起來感覺很棒,而且即使用用過三、四年看起來還是跟新的一樣,拳套的裏裏外外都還能完好如初,縫線保持在一起,內墊依然厚實。這真的是很棒的品質。每一個擁有一雙Ringside的拳套的人都可以證明這一點。另一個得滿分的品牌。

PRO (ProBoxingEquip)- This is a company that is located in Southern California in the LA area. Their punching gloves are crap. I’ve tried even their professional ones before and they go flat within months of heavy use. Avoid them no matter how much their salesperson discounts the price.
PRO (ProBoxingEquip) ─ 這家公司座落於南加州的洛杉磯地區。他們的拳擊手套都是些垃圾。我之前曾經試過他們的專業手套,結果經過在幾個月大量使用後就變得扁塌。不管銷售員怎樣給你打折,請避開它們。

If you mention any brands outside of these, I probably will have never tried them or not long enough to form an opinion. You’re still welcome to post a comment and maybe someone else can reply to you.

Purchasing Recommendations

The best way to buy punching gloves, and maybe anything else in life, is to go to a store that carries the product and try them out in person. Get a feel for the gear and use your own judgment for “quality” and “feel”. Don’t let the salesperson talk you into buying their own generic store-brand boxing products.

After you’ve tried out a feel brands and decided which ones you want, go look for cheaper prices online – they will most likely be MUCH MUCH cheaper over the internet. OPTIONAL – you can call the store back and let them know you’ve found a better price online but you’d be willing to buy in person if they can match the price. I do feel it’s worth paying a higher price in person if the store has a good return policy and good customer service.
在你試過也感覺過許多品牌並決定哪個是你要的之後,回家看看網路上有沒有更便宜的價格 ── 它們在網路上通常會便宜很多很多。選購 ── 你可以回到店裡讓他們知道你在網路上找到更好的價格,但如果他們可以開出相近的價格,你仍願意在店裡購買。如果店裡有一個良好的保固和售後服務,我覺得這是值得付出更高的價格的。


For starters, is a great place to start.
對初學者來說, 是一個很好的開始。



    創作者 神拳阿凱 的頭像


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